Mount of Olives lies to the east of Jerusalem and is named after the olive trees growing on its slopes. It provides a spectacular panoramic view of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.Separ

 The Kidron Valley separates the mount from Eastern Gate, the Temple  Mount and the City of David. At the foot of the mount is the garden of Gethsemane.  

 The Mount of Olives is where Jesus wept over Jerusalem ( Luke19:37-41) and where he ascended to heaven after His resurrection ( Acts1 :9-12).

 According to the Book of Zechariah, this is where God will start to redeem the dead when the Messiah returns on Judgement Day. As the world’s oldest continually used cemetery, in order to get a good place in the line, Jews always preferred to be buried here, and to date some 150,000 people have been laid to rest on these slopes.

 The Jews and many Christians believe that when Messiah returns, He will descend on  the Mount of Olives and enter Jerusalem through the Eastern gate. ( Zech 14:1-4 Ezekiel 44:1-3 and 46:1-2,8)

 Today it is a quiet slopes  of churches, pilgrims and tour groups.